Mata is a clothing brand that thrives on the concept of upcycled fashion. With a commitment to sustainability and individuality, Mata creates uniquely handmade, one-of-a-kind pieces from unconventional materials. From curtains and blankets to towels and place mats, to say and all fabrics. Mata transforms ordinary household items into extraordinary works of wearable art.

The visionary behind Mata is Simone Santos, a true advocate of self-expression through clothing. From a young age, Simone recognized the power of fashion as a means to communicate her identity. Growing up in Brazilian immigrant home, she experienced firsthand the resourcefulness and creativity her mother employed to dress Simone and her sister with limited means. In the spirit of Brazilian ingenuity, Simone developed a knack for "creating something out of nothing," utilizing whatever materials she had or could afford to transform pieces and make them uniquely her own.

In 2016, Simone embarked on a self-taught journey into the world of sewing. Drawing inspiration from thrifted and unwanted items, Simone repurposed and breathed new life into these garments, fashioning fresh and exciting designs.

The turning point for Simone and the birth of Mata came in January 2022 when one of her videos documenting her upcycling process went viral, garnering over 6.5 million views across social media platforms. The overwhelming response served as a resounding confirmation of Simone's talent and unique approach to fashion. She decided to take her designs and sewing expertise to the next level, giving birth to the brand that is now Mata.

Mata has since become a beacon of sustainable fashion, embracing the principles of environmental consciousness and individuality. Each Mata creation tells a story—a testament of artistry, resourcefulness, and dedication to fashion with a purpose. By repurposing and transforming materials that would otherwise go to waste, Mata not only reduces its ecological footprint but also champions the beauty of imperfection and the celebration of one's distinct style.

With each new collection, Mata offers a limited selection of handcrafted, one-of-a-kind garments, ensuring that every piece is as unique as the individual who wears it. Join the movement and discover Mata, where upcycled fashion becomes a powerful expression of identity and environmental stewardship.